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Irish mood

Ryan Coot nous fait le plan cam sur la tête en mode rotatif. Tant mieux, on adore.... Il en profite aussi pour faire un peu de teasing pour sa marque d'aile, Ozone. C'est normal...

"Each time that I watch this video I feel a new hunger growing inside me to find more locations like this spot. 5 years ago I would never have though it would be possible to kitesurf waves in a location like this. The balance and stability of the Reo gives me so much confidence to go places I would never have gone before with a kite. Ireland is just amazing. I love kitesurfing and living here.

Location: Kerry Ireland
Kite : Ozone Reo 10m
50cm bar / 27m lines
Board : AOR 6,3 Tease.

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